Android Which Phone : The new tool
Google launches a new technique to help you to find which phone is best suitable for you according to your requirement and other factors.The new tool '
Which phone' will ask users various questions and on the basis of those answers the tool suggests you the perfect
android smartphone for you.
Which Phone chooser |
The Result of searching on Android Which phone
I have found the outcome of the search is awesome. I finally ended up with three of the high end phone for my uses criteria , but found a drop down menu to find lower price options too. Not only it suggest the names of the phone , it also gives complete features for those phones .
How to Use 'Which Phone' tool
On the opening page the 'Which Phone' tool asks you to choose what your next phone is for, giving 12 options such as Taking photos, music, Gaming, Talking, browsing etc. Again, it will ask you questions depending on the previous selections . Going through the processes, finally you have to click on 'Show Me Phones' button. You can now see your tailor made handsets.
A nice google tool
Find the
Android phone for you tool is part of the Google's Android site. To choose Android phones it's a great place to start. Answer three or more quick questions, and the tool suggest phones just made for you.